Research PapersECOOP 2022
Accepted Papers
Call for Papers
ECOOP is a conference about programming originally focused on object-orientation, but now including all practical and theoretical investigations of programming languages, systems and environments. ECOOP solicits innovative solutions to real problems as well as evaluations of existing solutions.
Authors are asked to pick one of the following categories:
- Research. The most traditional category for papers that advance the state of the art.
- Reproduction. An empirical evaluation that reconstructs a published experiment in a different context in order to validate the results of that earlier work.
- Experience. Applications of known PL techniques in practice as well as tools. Industry papers will be reviewed by practitioners. We welcome negative results that may provide inspiration for future research.
- Pearls/Brave New Ideas. Articles that either explain a known idea in an elegant way or unconventional papers introducing ideas that may take some time to substantiate. These papers may be short.
Submission must not have been published, or have major overlap with previous work. In case of doubt, contact the chair. Proceedings are published in open access by Dagstuhl LIPIcs in the Dagstuhl LIPIcs LaTeX-style template. To reduce friction when resubmitting, ACM’s PACMPL and TOPLAS formatted papers can be submitted as such (with the understanding that if accepted, they will be reformatted).
ECOOP uses double-blind reviewing. Authors’ identities are only revealed if a paper is accepted. Papers must omit author names and institutions, and use the third person when referencing the authors’ own work. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission; see the DB FAQ. /if in doubt, contact the chairs.
There is no page limit on submissions, but authors must understand that reviewers have a fixed time budget for each paper, so the length of the feedback is likely to be unaffected by length. Brevity is a virtue.
Authors will be given a three-day period to read and respond to the reviews of their papers before the program committee meeting. Responses have no length limit.
ECOOP 2022 will have two deadlines for submissions, three months apart. Future years may have more deadlines. Papers submitted in each round can be (a) accepted, (b) rejected, or (c) asked for revisions. Revisions can be submitted at a later round. Papers retain their reviewers during revision.
Artifact Evaluation and Intent
To support replication of experiments, authors of research papers may submit artifacts to the Artifact Evaluation Committee. They will be asked whether they intend to submit an artifact at submission time. It is understood that some paper do not have artifacts. AEC members will serve on the extended review committee.
Journal First and Journal After
We have Journal First / After arrangements with ACM’s Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), Elsevier’s Science of Computer Programming (SCP) and AITO’s Journal of Object Technology (JOT).
Only new research papers are eligible to be Journal First (JF). JF papers will have an extended abstract in the ECOOP proceedings. The deadline is that same as round 1 of submissions and the notification is aligned with round 2 notification. TOPLAS JF papers should be submitted according to this announcement. SCP JF papers should follow this call for papers. JF papers are presented at the conference and eligible for awards.
Journal After (JA) papers are papers for which the authors request to be considered for post conference journal publication. Once accepted by the ECOOP PC, these papers will be forwarded to the journal editors. Reviews and reviewers will be forwarded and used at the editor’s discretion. JA papers will have an extended abstract (up to 12 pages) in the conference proceedings.
Wed 8 JunDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
09:00 - 10:30 | |||
09:00 30mDay opening | Opening Keynotes Mira Mezini TU Darmstadt, Ben Hermann Technical University Dortmund, Jan Vitek Northeastern University; Czech Technical University, Karim Ali University of Alberta | ||
09:30 60mKeynote | AITO Test of Time Award: A Simple and Practical Approach to Unit Testing: The JML and JUnit Way, ECOOP 2002 Keynotes Link to publication |
10:30 - 11:00 | |||
10:30 30mCoffee break | Coffee break Catering |
11:00 - 12:30 | Program Analysis 1Expert Discussion / Hub Talks / Research Papers at Aurora Borealis 1 Chair(s): Karim Ali University of Alberta | ||
11:00 30mPanel | Software verification/program analysisExpert Discussion Expert Discussion | ||
11:30 20mTalk | Partial (In)Completeness in Abstract Interpretation: Limiting the Imprecision in Program AnalysisHub Talk Hub Talks Marco Campion University of Verona, Mila Dalla Preda University of Verona, Roberto Giacobazzi University of Verona Link to publication DOI | ||
11:50 20mTalk | Concolic Execution for WebAssembly Research Papers Filipe Marques INESC-ID / Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon, José Fragoso Santos INESC-ID/Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal , Nuno Santos INESC-ID / Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon, Pedro Adão IST-ULisboa and Instituto de Telecomunicações | ||
12:10 20mTalk | Static Analysis for AWS Best Practices in Python CodeVCOOP 2022ECOOP 2022 Research Papers Rajdeep Mukherjee Amazon Web Services, Omer Tripp Amazon, Ben Liblit Amazon, Michael Wilson Amazon Web Services DOI |
12:30 - 13:30 | |||
12:30 60mLunch | Lunch Catering |
15:00 - 15:30 | |||
15:00 30mCoffee break | Coffee break Catering |
15:30 - 17:00 | Language DesignResearch Papers / Expert Discussion at Aurora Borealis 1 Chair(s): Simon Fowler University of Glasgow | ||
15:30 30mPanel | Programming languages and semanticsExpert Discussion Expert Discussion P: Alexander J. Summers University of British Columbia, P: Gorel Hedin Lund University, A: Guido Salvaneschi University of St. Gallen | ||
16:00 20mTalk | Prisma: A tierless language for enforcing contract-client protocols in decentralized apps Research Papers David Richter Technical University of Darmstadt, David Kretzler Technical University of Darmstadt, Pascal Weisenburger University of St. Gallen, Guido Salvaneschi University of St. Gallen, Sebastian Faust Technical University of Darmstadt, Mira Mezini TU Darmstadt Pre-print Media Attached | ||
16:20 20mTalk | JavaScript Sealed Classes Research Papers Manuel Serrano Inria | ||
16:40 20mTalk | Functional programming for distributed systems with XC Research Papers Giorgio Audrito Università di Torino, Roberto Casadei University of Bologna, Italy, Ferruccio Damiani University of Turin, Guido Salvaneschi University of St. Gallen, Mirko Viroli Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Pre-print |
18:00 - 22:00 | |||
18:00 4hDinner | Banquet at Clärchen's Ballhaus Catering |
Thu 9 JunDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
09:00 - 10:30 | |||
09:00 15mAwards | Dahl-Nygaard Prize Ceremony Keynotes | ||
09:15 75mKeynote | Dahl-Nygaard Senior Prize: Dan Ingalls - A Fireside Chat Keynotes Media Attached |
10:30 - 11:00 | |||
10:30 30mCoffee break | Coffee break Catering |
11:00 - 12:30 | Session Types 1Research Papers / Expert Discussion at Aurora Borealis 1 Chair(s): Dominic Orchard University of Kent, UK | ||
11:00 30mPanel | Concurrent and distributed programmingExpert Discussion Expert Discussion | ||
11:30 20mTalk | Ferrite: A Judgmental Embedding of Session Types in Rust Research Papers Ruo Fei Chen Independent Researcher, Stephanie Balzer Carnegie Mellon University, Bernardo Toninho Nova University of Lisbon / NOVA-LINCS Pre-print | ||
11:50 20mTalk | API Generation for Multiparty Session Types, Revisited and Revised using Scala 3 (Pearl) Research Papers Guillermina Cledou HASLab, INESC TEC; University of Minho, Luc Edixhoven Open University of the Netherlands; CWI, Sung-Shik Jongmans Open University of the Netherlands; CWI, José Proença ISEP P.PORTO & INESC TEC |
12:30 - 13:30 | |||
12:30 60mLunch | Lunch Catering |
13:30 - 15:00 | Language ImplementationHub Talks / Research Papers at Aurora Borealis 1 Chair(s): Guido Salvaneschi University of St. Gallen | ||
13:30 20mTalk | Benchmarking, analysis, and optimization of serverless function snapshotsHub Talk Hub Talks Dmitrii Ustiugov ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Plamen Petrov , Marios Kogias Microsoft Research, Edouard Bugnion EPFL, Boris Grot University of Edinburgh, UK Link to publication DOI | ||
13:50 20mTalk | Synchron - An API and Runtime for Embedded SystemsECOOP 2022 Research Papers Abhiroop Sarkar Chalmers University of Technology, Bo Joel Svensson Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Mary Sheeran Chalmers Pre-print | ||
14:10 20mTalk | Functional Programming with DatalogECOOP 2022 Research Papers | ||
14:30 20mTalk | Union Types with Disjoint Switches Research Papers Baber Rehman The University of Hong Kong, Xuejing Huang The University of Hong Kong, Ningning Xie University of Toronto, Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira University of Hong Kong |
15:00 - 15:30 | |||
15:00 30mCoffee break | Coffee break Catering |
Fri 10 JunDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
09:00 - 10:30 | |||
09:00 30mAwards | Awards, Outlooks, and Farewells Keynotes Mira Mezini TU Darmstadt, Ben Hermann Technical University Dortmund, Karim Ali University of Alberta, Jan Vitek Northeastern University; Czech Technical University, Stefan Winter LMU Munich, Alessandra Gorla IMDEA Software Institute, Guido Salvaneschi University of St. Gallen | ||
09:30 60mTalk | Dahl-Nygaard Junior Prize: Magnus Madsen - An Introduction to the Flix Programming Language Keynotes File Attached |
10:30 - 11:00 | |||
10:30 30mCoffee break | Coffee break Catering |
11:00 - 12:30 | TypesResearch Papers / Hub Talks / Expert Discussion at Aurora Borealis 1 Chair(s): Niki Vazou IMDEA Software Institute | ||
11:00 30mPanel | Type systemsExpert Discussion Expert Discussion | ||
11:30 20mTalk | How to Take the Inverse of a Type Research Papers Pre-print | ||
11:50 20mTalk | Union and intersection contracts are hard, actuallyHub Talk Hub Talks Link to publication DOI | ||
12:10 20mTalk | Global Type Inference for Featherweight Generic Java Research Papers Andreas Stadelmeier DHBW Stuttgart, Campus Horb, Germany, Martin Plümicke DHBW Stuttgart, Campus Horb, Germany, Peter Thiemann University of Freiburg, Germany |
12:30 - 13:30 | |||
12:30 60mLunch | Lunch Catering |
13:30 - 15:00 | Program Analysis 2Research Papers / Hub Talks at Aurora Borealis 1 Chair(s): Quentin Stiévenart Vrije Universiteit Brussel | ||
13:30 20mTalk | Low-Level Bi-Abduction Research Papers Lukáš Holík Brno University of Technology, Petr Peringer Brno University of Technology, Adam Rogalewicz Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology, Veronika Šoková Brno University of Technology, Tomáš Vojnar Brno University of Technology, Florian Zuleger TU Vienna | ||
13:50 20mTalk | On the computation of interprocedural weak control closureHub Talk Hub Talks Abu Naser Masud Malardalen University Link to publication DOI | ||
14:10 20mTalk | Slicing of Probabilistic Programs based on SpecificationsECOOP 2022 Research Papers Federico Olmedo University of Chile & IMFD Chile Pre-print | ||
14:30 20mTalk | A Deterministic Memory Allocator for Dynamic Symbolic Execution Research Papers Daniel Schemmel Imperial College London, Julian Büning RWTH Aachen University, Frank Busse Imperial College London, Martin Nowack Imperial College London, Cristian Cadar Imperial College London, UK |
15:00 - 15:30 | |||
15:00 30mCoffee break | Coffee break Catering |
15:30 - 16:10 | PotpourriHub Talks / Research Papers at Aurora Borealis 1 Chair(s): Ben Hermann Technical University Dortmund | ||
15:30 20mTalk | Hinted Dictionaries: Efficient Functional Ordered Sets and MapsECOOP 2022 Research Papers Amir Shaikhha University of Edinburgh, Hesam Shahrokhi University of Edinburgh, Mahdi Ghorbani University of Edinburgh | ||
15:50 20mTalk | What we eval in the shadows: a large-scale study of eval in R programsHub Talk Hub Talks Aviral Goel Northeastern University, Pierre Donat-Bouillud Czech Technical University, Filip Křikava Czech Technical University, Christoph Kirsch University of Salzburg; Czech Technical University, Jan Vitek Northeastern University; Czech Technical University Link to publication DOI |
16:10 - 17:00 | |||
Thu 16 JunDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
15:00 - 16:30 | |||
15:00 30mTalk | PEDroid: Automatically Extracting Patches from Android App Updates Research Papers Hehao Li Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Yizhuo Wang Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Yiwei Zhang Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Juanru Li Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dawu Gu Shanghai Jiao Tong University | ||
15:30 30mTalk | Ferrite: A Judgmental Embedding of Session Types in Rust Research Papers Ruo Fei Chen Independent Researcher, Stephanie Balzer Carnegie Mellon University, Bernardo Toninho Nova University of Lisbon / NOVA-LINCS Pre-print | ||
16:00 30mTalk | Automatic Root Cause Quantification for Missing Edges in JavaScript Call Graphs Research Papers Madhurima Chakraborty University of California, Riverside, Renzo Olivares University of California, Riverside, Manu Sridharan University of California at Riverside, Behnaz Hassanshahi Oracle Labs, Australia Pre-print |
16:45 - 18:15 | |||
16:45 30mTalk | Direct Foundations for Compositional Programming Research Papers Andong Fan Zhejiang University, Xuejing Huang The University of Hong Kong, Han Xu Peking University, Yaozhu Sun University of Hong Kong, Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira University of Hong Kong Pre-print Media Attached | ||
17:15 30mTalk | Experience: Model-Based Feedback-Driven Greybox Fuzzing for Web ApplicationsVCOOP 2022 Research Papers François Gauthier Oracle Labs, Behnaz Hassanshahi Oracle Labs, Australia, Benjamin Selwyn-Smith Oracle Labs, Trong Nhan Mai Oracle Labs, Max Schlüter Oracle Labs, Micah Williams Oracle | ||
17:45 30mTalk | A Self-Dual Distillation of Session Types (Pearl) Research Papers Jules Jacobs Radboud University Nijmegen Pre-print |
18:30 - 19:00 | |||
18:30 30mKeynote | Are Programming Languages the Key to Distributed Systems?VCOOP 2022 Research Papers File Attached |
Thu 23 JunDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
15:00 - 16:30 | |||
15:00 30mTalk | Accumulation Analysis Research Papers Martin Kellogg University of Washington, Narges Shadab University of California at Riverside, Manu Sridharan University of California at Riverside, Michael D. Ernst University of Washington | ||
15:30 30mTalk | Qilin: A New Framework for Supporting Fine-Grained Context-Sensitivity in Java Pointer Analysis Research Papers | ||
16:00 30mTalk | Functional programming for distributed systems with XC Research Papers Giorgio Audrito Università di Torino, Roberto Casadei University of Bologna, Italy, Ferruccio Damiani University of Turin, Guido Salvaneschi University of St. Gallen, Mirko Viroli Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Pre-print |
16:45 - 18:15 | |||
16:45 30mTalk | Vincent: Green Hot Methods in the JVMVCOOP 2022 Research Papers Kenan Liu SUNY Binghamton, Khaled Mahmoud SUNY Binghamton, USA, Joonhwan Yoo SUNY Binghamton, Yu David Liu SUNY Binghamton Pre-print | ||
17:15 30mTalk | Verified Compilation and Optimization of Floating-Point Programs in CakeML Research Papers Heiko Becker MPI-SWS, Robert Rabe TU Munich, Eva Darulova Uppsala University, Magnus O. Myreen Chalmers University of Technology, Zachary Tatlock University of Washington, Ramana Kumar DeepMind, Yong Kiam Tan Carnegie Mellon University, Anthony C. J. Fox Arm Limited | ||
17:45 30mTalk | Compiling Volatile Correctly in Java Research Papers Shuyang Liu UCLA, John Bender Sandia National Laboratories, Jens Palsberg University of California at Los Angeles |
18:30 - 19:00 | |||
18:30 30mTalk | Union Types with Disjoint Switches Research Papers Baber Rehman The University of Hong Kong, Xuejing Huang The University of Hong Kong, Ningning Xie University of Toronto, Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira University of Hong Kong |
Thu 30 JunDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
15:00 - 16:30 | |||
15:00 30mTalk | What If We Don’t Pop the Stack? The Return of Second-Class Values Research Papers Anxhelo Xhebraj Purdue University, Oliver Bračevac Purdue University, Guannan Wei Purdue University, Tiark Rompf Purdue University Link to publication DOI | ||
15:30 30mTalk | NWGraph: A Library of Generic Graph Algorithms and Data Structures in C++20VCOOP 2022 Research Papers Andrew Lumsdaine TileDB, Inc., University of Washington, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Luke Dalessandro Indiana University, Jesun Sahariar Firoz Pacific Northwest National Lab, Xu Liu University of Washington, Phil Ratzloff SAS, Scott McMillan Carnegie Mellon University, Marcin Zalewski, Kevin Deweese Cadence | ||
16:00 30mTalk | Prisma: A tierless language for enforcing contract-client protocols in decentralized apps Research Papers David Richter Technical University of Darmstadt, David Kretzler Technical University of Darmstadt, Pascal Weisenburger University of St. Gallen, Guido Salvaneschi University of St. Gallen, Sebastian Faust Technical University of Darmstadt, Mira Mezini TU Darmstadt Pre-print Media Attached |
16:45 - 18:15 | |||
16:45 30mTalk | Maniposynth: Bimodal Tangible Functional Programming Research Papers Pre-print Media Attached | ||
17:15 30mTalk | Elementary Type Inference Research Papers | ||
17:45 30mTalk | Defining Corecursive Functions in Coq Using ApproximationsVCOOP 2022ECOOP 2022 Research Papers |
18:30 - 19:00 | |||
18:30 30mKeynote | From AI for Code to AI for CodingVCOOP 2022 Research Papers Albert Ziegler GitHub |
Thu 7 JulDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
15:00 - 16:30 | |||
15:00 30mTalk | API Generation for Multiparty Session Types, Revisited and Revised using Scala 3 (Pearl) Research Papers Guillermina Cledou HASLab, INESC TEC; University of Minho, Luc Edixhoven Open University of the Netherlands; CWI, Sung-Shik Jongmans Open University of the Netherlands; CWI, José Proença ISEP P.PORTO & INESC TEC | ||
15:30 30mTalk | Global Type Inference for Featherweight Generic Java Research Papers Andreas Stadelmeier DHBW Stuttgart, Campus Horb, Germany, Martin Plümicke DHBW Stuttgart, Campus Horb, Germany, Peter Thiemann University of Freiburg, Germany | ||
16:00 30mTalk | Stay Safe under Panic: Affine Rust Programming with Multiparty Session Types Research Papers Nicolas Lagaillardie Imperial College London, Rumyana Neykova Brunel University London, Nobuko Yoshida Imperial College London |
16:45 - 18:15 | |||
16:45 30mTalk | REST: Integrating Term Rewriting with Program Verification Research Papers Zachary Grannan University of British Columbia, Eva Darulova Uppsala University, Alexander J. Summers University of British Columbia, Niki Vazou IMDEA Software Institute | ||
17:15 30mTalk | Static Analysis for AWS Best Practices in Python CodeVCOOP 2022ECOOP 2022 Research Papers Rajdeep Mukherjee Amazon Web Services, Omer Tripp Amazon, Ben Liblit Amazon, Michael Wilson Amazon Web Services DOI | ||
17:45 30mTalk | A Deterministic Memory Allocator for Dynamic Symbolic Execution Research Papers Daniel Schemmel Imperial College London, Julian Büning RWTH Aachen University, Frank Busse Imperial College London, Martin Nowack Imperial College London, Cristian Cadar Imperial College London, UK |
18:30 - 19:00 | |||
18:30 30mKeynote | Hedy: Creating a gradual programming languageVCOOP 2022 Research Papers |
Frequently Asked Questions
Multiple deadlines
Q: What are use-cases of the new submission process?
Overall, multiple deadlines are meant to speed up the reviewing cycle and better support revisions. Our expectation is that more papers will be accepted with this new process.
A paper is submitted in R1. Reviewers find it good as is, the paper is accepted. A preprint is added to the conference website as soon as the camera ready copy is complete. The paper is presented at ECOOP’22.
A paper is submitted in R1. The reviewers requires changes. Authors have one month to revise and resubmit for R2. The same reviewers check the paper, and accept it. Authors have one more month to finalise their work. The paper is presented at ECOOP’22.
A paper is submitted in R2. The reviewers require changes. The paper will not be presented at ECOOP’22. Authors can resubmit at the next deadline (TBA). The same reviewers check the paper, if accepted, a pre-print is put on the ECOOP’23 website and the paper is presented in 2023.
Q: Are artifacts required?
No! But if an artifact is not provided, the authors must explain why their work is not available for repetition.
Q: Can a paper be accepted if the artifact is rejected?
Yes! The reasons for rejecting an artifact are multiple and often stem from the quality of the packaging.
Q: Can an artifact help clear up confusion about a paper’s result?
Yes! That is the whole point of allowing artifacts to be submitted together with the paper.
Q: Who reviews artifacts?
The Artifact Evaluation Committee as usual.
Authors: Double-Blinding Submissions
Q: What exactly do I have to do to anonymize my paper?
Use common sense. Your job is not to make your identity undiscoverable but simply to make it possible for reviewers to evaluate your submission without having to know who you are. The specific guidelines stated in the call for papers are simple: omit authors’ names from your title page, and when you cite your own work, refer to it in the third person. For example, if your name is Smith and you have worked on amphibious type systems, instead of saying “We extend our earlier work on statically typed toads [Smith 2004],” you might say “We extend Smith’s [2004] earlier work on statically typed toads.” Also, be sure not to include any acknowledgements that would give away your identity.
Q: Should I change the name of my system?
Q: My submission is based on code available in a public repository. How do I deal with this?
Cite the code in your paper, but remove the URL and, instead say “link to repository removed for double blind review”. If you believe reviewer access to your code would help during author response, contact the chair.
Q: I am submitting an extension of my workshop paper, should I anonymize reference to that work?
No. But we recommend to change the title to distinguish the papers.
Q: Am I allowed to post my paper on my web page or arXiv? send it to colleagues? give a talk about it? on social media?
There is a tension between the normal communication of scientific results and actions that essentially force potential reviewers to learn the identity of authors. Roughly speaking, you may discuss work under submission, but you should not broadly advertise your work through media that is likely to reach your reviewers. We acknowledge there are gray areas and trade-offs. Things you may do:
- Put your submission on your home page.
- Discuss your work with anyone not on the review committees.
- Present your work at professional meetings, workshops, job interviews, etc.
- Post on arXiv or a similar site.
Reviewers will not be asked to recuse themselves from reviewing your paper unless they feel you have gone out of your way to advertise your authorship information to them. If you are unsure about what constitutes “going out of your way”, please contact us.
Reviewers: Double-blind
Q: What should I do if I if I learn the authors’ identity?
If at any point you feel that the authors’ actions are largely aimed at ensuring that potential reviewers know their identity, you should contact the Program Chair. Otherwise you should not treat double-blind reviewing differently from regular blind reviewing. In particular, you should refrain from seeking out information on the authors’ identity, but if you discover it accidentally this will not automatically disqualify you as a reviewer. Use your best judgment.
Q: The authors provided a URL to supplemental material, what should I do?
Contact the Chair, who will download the material on your behalf.
Q: Can I seek an outside review?
(based on the PLDI’20 DBR FAQ.)
Distinguished Reviewers
We would like to thank and congratulate our ECOOP’22 Distinguished Reviewers for their exceptional contributions:
- Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford
- Simon Fowler, University of Glasgow
- Juliana Franco, DeepMind
- Vlastimil Dort, Charles University