WorkshopsECOOP 2022
ECOOP hosts a diverse offering of workshops bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experiences.
Call for Workshops
Topics for workshops may include, but are not limited to, the theory, design, implementation, optimization, testing, and analysis of programs and programming languages. In particular, while the OO in ECOOP has traditionally stood for “object-oriented”, these days the scope of ECOOP is much broader and encompasses the Programming Languages field as a whole. Workshops will run before, during, and after the program of the main conference.
To submit a proposal for an ECOOP workshop, please complete the online application form linked to below. After submitting, you will receive an automated email confirmation of your submission and, within four weeks, a formal response notifying you if the workshop has been accepted for ECOOP.
Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis until January 15th, 2022.
Submission link:
Each workshop must conform to the following schedule constraints: (1) The workshop’s website must be live within two weeks of notification of the workshop’s acceptance and include relevant information about any call for papers. (2) Final notification dates for paper acceptance to workshops must be at least 3 days before the early registration period ends.
Please contact the workshop co-chairs, Guido Salvaneschi and Coen De Roover, if you have any questions.